Mission & About Me

Hitting the ole stomping grounds during pre-spawn has always been a favorite past time.



To provide you with a one of a kind, safe and enjoyable experience; one that you will walk away from knowing more than you did so you can apply it yourself without the help of a guide.


About Me:

My name is Michael Slaven, I am a licensed fishing guide in the state of NH, a registered USGC Captain, and I love to fish. I have been fishing the lakes region and the seacoast with 20+ years of experience. My joy and passion for the sport over numerous years of experiences, adventures, and putting the time in drove me to want to help and share a sport I so much enjoy. I always love being outside in any type of weather, enjoying nature, and being out by or on the water in any conditions. I certainly hold dear all the connections and lifelong friends I have met along my way in the fishing world. I grew up on Lake Winnipesaukee in Gilford fishing for bass during the summer, and ice fishing for trout during the winter. A decades worth of time targeting bass from marinas, off the jetty, and in my little 12ft row boat with a 7.5 hp engine developed into a beaming passion for these lunkers of fish. I mostly fished tip ups when ice fishing as a kid, and still do as the rush of a flag going up and running over to see what you got has always brought me a thrill no other fishing can. Once I learned how to jig, targeting lake trout through the ice became a growing obsession. Still to this day, ice fishing remains my favorite type of fishing for the sheer challenge it poses and how rewarding it can be. Overtime, I expanded to the seacoast where I found a love for hunting down striped bass, mostly surfcasting during the nightshift to find those big ferocious 40” + fish that fight like no other. I went to school up at UMaine, a state I hadn’t done much fishing in prior. There, the newest approach I learned was how to fly fish in multiple types of river systems, which led me to become a better educated angler overall. Over all my years, I have been introduced to many different types of ways and approaches to fishing. From all my experiences, I believe there is no right or wrong way to approach fishing, yet I believe there is always a best method for a particular situation that will lead you to the greatest success. Because of that, I have become an all encompassing type of angler all over New England, and hope to share that same love and passion for the sport with you.